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Live Auctions: 6 Reasons Why A Special Appeal Video Is Worth The Investment

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6 reasons why a special appeal video is always worth the investment

A good video can mean thousands more in charitable dollars at your next event.

Often people ask me, “Do we really need to spend money on a video when we could just have the speaker get on stage and share their story live?”

The short answer is YES!

As a fundraising consultant, one of the things that I always recommend to my clients is to produce an effective video.

This video should feature the Special Appeal / Fund-A-Need speaker telling their story.

Because you want to maximize your revenue for this event, here are 6 Reasons Why A Special Appeal Video is worth the investment.

capture your audience's attention

FIRST: Focus Their Attention

Making a short video can help to capture your audience’s attention on event night.

It’s a know custom for people to stop talking when the lights dim and a video starts.

It’s important to get your guests focused so when your speaker hits the stage to share their message, they get the polite attention they deserve.

videos keep your timeline brief

SECOND: Keep It Brief

A video is contained to 3 minutes and will not run long or go on a tangent. This keeps your timeline on track for the night.

videos always say things clearly

THIRD: Say It Clearly

Occasionally there is a language or speech barrier. You can use captioning to make sure everyone will understand your speaker and the message is clear.

videos let you adjust for any speaker's mobility

FOURTH: Adjust for Speaker Mobility

Should your appeal speaker have a mobility concern, a video of their story can provide some time for them to make it to the stage to present their ask.

videos don't get nervous

FIFTH: Nerves

Not everyone is a public speaker, comfortable in front of large crowds and nerves could get the very best of them.

Some people are more comfortable sharing their story in front of a camera.

Ask your speaker their preference.

videos can live online forever

SIXTH: Online Longevity

A video allows you to share this story in perpetuity to showcase how you have made an impact on one persons life - not only to the guests who attended your event, but to anyone who visits your website after the event.

Eventually, you will have a library of great stories to showcase on your website allowing people to connect to people and understand why your program is so vitally important and how it has been important over the years you have been operating.


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